Willows Mens Club


Welcome to the Former Willows Mens Club Web site.

News and Announcements



Tournament Prize Payout - Pro Shop Credit Expiration


Notice: Effective for all 2021 events, all credit in the Willows Run Pro Shop won thorough Willows Men's Club Events will expire on March 31, 2022. 



New for 2022


Willows Men's Club is no longer an active competition club


  • Willows Men's Club will not exist as it has in years past to host the Thursday 9-Hole League, regular Weekend events or Match Play. These events have been transitioned to the new Evergreen Golf Club.
  • Willows Men's Club will primarily exist to offer GHIN Handicap Service via Willows Run Pro Shop.  Any events will be run by the Willows Run Pro Shop only. 
  • GHINs will continue to be sold via WIllow Run Pro Shop as Willows Run Men's Club GHIN.


The leadership of the former Willows Men's Club has set up a new club, Evergreen Golf Club, to continue the competition and cameraderie that we have enjoyed for the past 12 years.  Head over to http://egc.golfgenius.com for more information. We hope you can join us.






2021 Newsletters and Meeting Updates


Here are links to our newsletters and meeting updates.  If you are not getting emails from Golf Genius, make sure you have "golfgenius.com" marked as "Never Spam" for your email client and email service.  If you don't get newsleters or event information, you can catch up on newsletters here.  The only other suggestion we have is to try sending us a different email to use. 






2021 Event Calendar


  • ✔ Welcome Back event Saturday April 3
  • ✔ Thursday 9-hole league startsThursday April 8 (signups open every Wednesday at 6pm three weeks out)
  • ✔  President's Cup Individual Match Play
    • ✔ Qualifiers on April 17 and April 24
    • ✔ Waitlist "I can't play in either qualifier" 
  • ✔  Two Man Match Play
  • ✔  June Stableford Classic - June 19
  • ✔  July Suncadia 36 hole Road Trip - July 5 (limit: 40)
  • ✔  July Two Man Chapman - July 24
  • ✔  August 2-Day Club Championship - Aug 21 & 22 
  • Points Cup Invitational Championship - Early October



Wrapping up the 2021 Season


The annual two-day Willows Men's Club Championship was held on Aug 21 and 22. We are wrapping up the season with Thursday League events through the end of September, and closing out at the end of September or early October (final date TBD) with the two-day Thursday League Points Cup for the top point's holders. 


We are also trying to wrap up Match Play with both the President's Cup and Four Ball Team Match play extending into September due to scheduling issues with injuries, vacations and other personal committments.  While we want to wrap these up ASAP, we also realize that people have other real-world committments, and that some people have had injuries delaying matches. We bias for a small delay in order to settling matches on the course - but time is getting tight so let's get those matches finished.


New Members for 2022 Season?  WMC is no longer operational as a competitive club. Head over to Evergreen Golf Club for more information on the successor to WMC.




Season Long Point Tracker


2021 Results Tracker (Click here)  - Track your season Thursday League Points, overall winnings or winnings by month.  




Posting Rounds under WHS - Please use Hole-by-Hole on GHIN when posting your own scores


  • Don't read this whole article.  Just post your rounds using Hole-by-Hole entry on GHIN.
  • Don't post your total score without adjusting for Net Double Bogey. 
  • Don't keep using ESC because it's what you used to do. It's wrong. Equitable Stroke Control is no more.  If you use ESC rules when posting you are probably posting a higher score than you are allowed.


Do it the easy way - Just use the Hole-by-Hole score entry in the GHIN App or web page, and it will automatically ajdust for Net Double Bogey for you. It takes less than a minute. 


Hole-by-Hole entry of each hole score is pretty quick.  This is a lot easier than figuring out your Course Handicap with the new CH formula, then figuring out where you get dots, then figuring out the max score on each hole, and actually getting it all correct. 


What is Net Double Bogey? WHS introduces the concept of Net Double Bogey for your maximum hole score.  What does that mean?  It means you simply figure ou the strokes (dots) you are allowed on each hole, add par, and add two.  On a par 3 where you get one stroke, you get 3+1+2 for a max of 5.  On a par 5 where you get two strokes, you get 5+2+2=9 strokes.  Simple so far, right?  Just give me a card with my dots on it and i'm good.


But what if you have to figure out the dots yourself?  First, look up your Course Handicap on the GHIN App on your phone on the DAY of the Round.  If you have to figure out your Course Handicap from your Handicap Index manually, it's a lot more complicated than it used to be before 2020. There's a new formula starting in 2020 under WHS.  Not only do you have to multiply by slope, but then you have to subtract Course Rating from Par and then subtract that number from the old course rating.  Trust me, without the formula in front of you and a calculator, you will probably screw it up. So look up Course Handicap in the GHIN App on your phone. 


Next, apply the dots on the scorecard to the holes in handicap order (using the Handicap row on the scorecard).  Make sure all the dots are on the right holes.  Now, for each hole, add par to the dots, that's the maximum score.  Make sure to use the maximum when you add up your scores if it applies.  It's not the same for every hole. 


That sure is a lot of work; isn't there an easier way? 

I'm glad you asked. First, for all WMC Stroke Play events (Weekend Majors, Thursday League, etc.) we will post for you and the software will make the adjustment. So you don't have to worry about this for any WMC events where we post scores for you.


Whenever you post yourself, (Casual Rounds and WMC Match Play events) just use the "Hole-by-Hole" link on the GHIN App or web site, enter your full scores for each hole (3 at a time) and you are done.  It will do all the math for you. 


USGA: https://www.usga.org/content/dam/usga/images/handicapping/Net%20Double%20Bogey%20is%20the%20new%20Max%20Hole%20Score.pdf 

WAGOLF: https://wagolf.org/keep-score/handicap-information/#section-45173


Why Bother?  Why bother with this stuff.  It probably doesn't really matter right?  Take the following scenario - suppose you scored a 8 on a couple of par 4's in a round, where you get one stroke on each.  4+1 is 5, that's net par.  Now add two for net double bogey, that's 7.  So you were one stroke over on each hole, two total, that's not a big deal.  You should post two less strokes than your total according to Net Double bogey, but it's a lot of work, so why not post what you really shot because it's easier, and it's what you really shot!  OK, now on your next round, on those same two holes, you scored 6 on each - a net bogey, no limit.  But at the end of the round you said heck, let's just add two strokes to my total score and post two strokes higher, because I posted two strokes higher than I deserved last time. The second round seems a lot worse, just randomly adding two strokes right? Yet it's exactly the same thing if you don't post propertly for net double bogey and you had a few holes that exceeded the limit. 




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